The film was officially announced in October 2023 under the tentative title Chiyaan 62, as it is the 62nd film for Vikram, known popularly as Chiyaan, as the lead actor, and the official title was announced in April 2024. Principal photography began the same month. The film will have music composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, cinematography handled by Theni Eswar and editing by Prasanna GK.
Veera Dheera Sooran is scheduled to release in theatres in January 2025.
Veera Dheera Sooran: Part 2 revolves around Kaali, a provision store owner and a loving husband and father, whose involvement in a dangerous crime network and his mysterious mission forms the rest of the story.
In early October 2023, S. U. Arun Kumar, who gained recent popularity from the success of Chithha (2023), was reported to feature Vikram in the lead role for his next directorial.[4]G. V. Prakash Kumar and Theni Eswar were chosen to score the music and handle the cinematography respectively.[5][6] The title Veera Dheera Sooran: Part 2 was announced on 17 April 2024. It was intentionally given that subtitle, reportedly because the makers were planning a prequel with the subtitle Part 1.[7] A separate film titled Veera Dheera Sooran began production some years before but was dropped,[8][9] making the title usable for this film.[citation needed]