Vasile Tărâțeanu (Ukrainian: Василь Дмитрович Терицану; 27 September 1945 – 8 August 2022) was a Ukrainian writer and activist of Romanian ethnicity.
Vasile Tărâțeanu was born to Elena and Dumitru Tărâțeanu on 27 September 1945. He graduated from the Chernivtsi University in 1972. Tărâțeanu worked for the Romanian-language newspaper Zorile Bucovinei (1969–1981) and for Radio Kiev (1981–1991).[1]
In 1989, he founded the Mihai Eminescu Society for Romanian Culture and in 2000, he became the president of the House of the Romanian Language Cultural Foundation in Chernivtsi (Cernăuți). He was editor-in-chief of Plai românesc (1990–1994), Arcașul, Curierul de Cernăuți and Junimea.[1][2]