Rajappa is a young man who earns his livelihood by engaging in rowdyism. Despite pleas from his mother to stop him from engaging in nefarious activities, Rajappa is adamant on pursuing rowdyism. However when his mother herself becomes a victim of his doings, Rajappa promises his dying mother that he would stop such activities and pursue a different life. He subsequently moves to a village with the intention of leading a quiet, stable life; but on arrival, he realises that the village remains full of terror. The villagers are oppressed by a gangster Malaichami and his family, though honouring his promise to his mother, Rajappa chooses to remain silent. The village's main entrepreneur, Duraisingam, who has been a victim of Malaichami's cruel deeds, requests Rajappa to change his ways and deal with the gangster. However, Rajappa refuses to commit himself and a helpless Duraisingam also gives up on his hope. Meanwhile, the atrocities of Malaichami grow wilder and uglier with every passing day and Rajappa is saddened by the plight of the villagers. He thinks of a way to deal with this terror without breaking his promise.