The house was built in 1740.[2][3] An addition was added in the 1820s.[5] The house may have been the site of a meeting between George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette in 1779.[6][7][8] The name Apple Tree House is given to the home because of a former apple orchard and cider press that were located on the property.[9] The house was purchased by the Quinn family and used as a funeral parlor for a number of years.[citation needed]
In 1996, the house was on Preservation New Jersey's 10 Most Endangered Historic Sites list.[10] The city of Jersey City purchased the building in 1999 for $450,000 and has been working to improve the condition of the building.[2] The New Jersey Historic Trust gave Jersey City a grant in 2006 for interior restoration and accessibility improvements.[11] Jersey City plans to use the house as a museum.[10][12] Interior renovations were completed in 2014.[13]
An annual wreath-laying ceremony occurs at the house every President's Day that is hosted by the George Washington Society.[3]
In 2021, the city announced its intentions to create a historical museum at the building.[14][15] The Museum of Jersey City History opened in December 2023.[16]
^Harriet Phillips Eaton, Jersey City And Its Historic Sites, 1899:
On August 24th, 1779, General Lafayette and his troops marched on a foraging expedition from near Fort Lee to Bergen. On the morning of the 25th they arrived at the brow of the Hill and encamped about the large, old tulip tree, known as "oude Boom" to the early settlers and as the "King of the Woods" to those of later date. The locality is now known as Waldo avenue, between Henry street and Magnolia avenue. The tree was cut down December 20th, 1871 Lafayette's headquarters were at the Van Wagenen place on the northwest corner of Academy street and Bergen square. Mr. Taylor states, "in the orchard on the old parsonage site on northwest side of Square," where he entertained at dinner General Washington who came over from Hackensack. The dinner was cooked in the Van Wagenen weave-house and eaten under an apple tree. This tree was blown down in a gale on September 3d, 1821, and from a portion of it was made a very handsome cane, gold mounted and with this inscription, "Shaded the hero and his friend Washington in 1779; presented by the Corporation of Bergen in 1824." When Lafayette visited America in 1824, when he was on his way from Jersey City to Newark, there was a gathering of all the people of this vicinity to meet him at Riker's Tavern, Five Corners, which is still standing on the southwest corner of Newark and Summit avenues. Upon this occasion Domine Cornelison presented him with the cane, making a very appropriate address.