The municipality has an area is 70 km2 and its climate is continental. The geographical coordinates of Valdemeca are: latitude, 40° 13′59″N; longitude, 1° 43′59″W and altitude, 1387 meters. As of 2003, the municipality had a population of 101 (56 male, 45 female). The density is only 1.4 people/km². The municipality has lost 13.6% of its population in the last decade (1996-2005).
The mayor of Valdemeca is Mr. Moisés Heras García of the party Izquierda Unida de Castilla-La Mancha. Valdemeca is one of the few municipalities of Spain with "one-man municipal council" (i.e. small municipalities with an elected mayor but no municipal council as such) where Izquierda Unida has succeeded in getting its candidate elected.