Vairankode, located in Malappuram district, was a brahmadeya village under the rule of the Azhvanchery Thamprakkal. The Vairankode Bhagavathy Temple was constructed by the Azhvanchery Thamprakkal about 1500 years ago, and the deity worshipped here is believed to be the sister of the Kodungallur Bhagavathy. It is believed that when the devotees of the temple, Azhvanchery Thamprakkal, come to the temple, the Goddess gets up and bows down, so Azhvanchery Thamprakkal do not enter the Vairankode temple. The responsibility for temple affairs lies with the Koima (കോയ്മ principalities) appointed by the Tambras. 'Marammuri', the beginning of the temple festival, takes place only with the permission of the Koima of the Thamprakkal. Koima then supervises all the ceremonies related to the temple festival and conducts the Ariyalav as part of the closing ceremony of the festival. Athavanad, the main flag- beavered (kodivarau കൊടിവരവ്) of the Vairankode festival, depart for Vairankode after receiving the blessings of Azhvanchery Mana floats (Varavu വരവ്) and Thamprakkal.[8][9][5][10][11][12][13][14]
Cultural influences
The annual Theeyattulsavam or Vairankode Vela is celebrated in the Malayalam month of Kumbham (February). The festival begins on first Sunday of Kumbham month, begins with the ritual of Maram Muri, cutting a jackfruit tree for woods to prepare the fire of Kanalattam ritual. Cheriya Theeyattu, will be held on the third day and the 6th day celebration is called Valiya Theeyattu. On both these days, procession of various folk art forms like Poothan,Thira, Kattalan, Pulikali from nearby villages and places are the major attraction. Eratta Kaala, the decorated effigies of bullocks is another highlight of the festival.The Kanalattam ritual, during which members of the forward caste walk across fire, is set to occur at midnight on the last day of the festival. The event at Vairankode Temple attracts thousands of participants from various castes and religions. Festival Place transforms into a lively marketplace, showcasing a diverse range of products, including local produce, pottery, bamboo and palm crafts, decorative items, fresh vegetables, savory snacks, children's toys, candies, and assorted sweets. A significant attraction of the festival is the vibrant freshwater fish market, drawing fishermen from both nearby and far-off regions to present their latest catches. This cultural event fosters connections among attendees at Festival Place. Unlike other temple festivals in Kerala, the Vairankode festival does not include elephants.
The temple is traditionally decorated with plantain, coconut leaves, flowers, leaves, traditional lamps and lights.The theatre will provide the audience with a memorable experience, exhibiting the beauty of Kerala's rural village temple festivals together with a peek of the rural people's passions.[15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23]