Vandu is a 2019 Indian action drama film directed by debutante Vashan Shaji and starring newcomers Chinu, SR Guna, Shigaa and Allwin with Sai Dheena in a negative role.
The film is directed by Vashan Shaji, a former assistant to Selvaraghavan, and is inspired by street fights that used to take place in North Chennai in 1971.[1][2] Malayalam actress Shigaa plays the heroine while Sai Dheena portrays the antagonist. Several newcomers play the lead roles.[3] The film is set in the present day and was shot in Chennai for 63 days.[4]
A critic from the Cinema Express gave the film a rating of one out of five stars and wrote that "the performances aren’t convincing enough to make us buy into the conflict, and overall this looks like a short film that has been shot on a small budget".[6]