The site was investigated during excavations of the international archaeological expedition Azerbaijan-France in 2015. Vali Baxşəliyev and Catherine Marro were the leaders of the expedition. The stratigraphic cut from 2 to 5 m deep was preserved during the excavation on the eastern slope of the site at 2 m high. During the excavation, painted ceramic pieces from the V millennium BC came to light. Such ancient finds are very rare for the region.[1]
^Бахшалиев В.Б. Исследование энеолитических памятников Сирабчайской и Нахчыванчайской долин. Problems of the Archaeology of the Caucasus and Near East. Neolithic - Late Bronze Age. Baku: Институт археологии и этнографии. 2017, с. 108–121.