Based on the hugely popular Upin & Ipin TV series, it sees the five-year-old twins interact with human actors, and tells the story of their diehard fan, a young orphan named Aqish, who imagines them being real. Aqish discovers that the owner of the land on which her orphanage is built has returned to claim it back, and she enlists the help of Upin and Ipin to save the day.[2]
Les’ Copaque managing director, Burhanuddin Md Radzi said that the idea to produce live-action film based on this popular animation came across since 2013. The film was shot and completed in the same year but was not released due to many technical issues. Returning from a much loss of that film production, the studio continued to make progress and a new film was shot in October 2014. Taking one month to complete, he was satisfied with the result and hoped it will be well received by the audience. [3]