Up Late with Alec Baldwin is a late-night talk show that aired briefly on MSNBC hosted by Alec Baldwin. The series lasted five episodes airing Fridays at 10 p.m. from October 11 to November 8, 2013, in a time-slot previously held by Lockup.[2]
Baldwin discussed current events and past experiences with various guests from news programs, politics, and the arts. The show used a multi-camera set-up. The set was fashioned after a New York City diner, and Baldwin conversed with his guests over coffee while sitting in a corner booth.[3]
The show began its run while the host was in the midst of a two-year contract with MSNBC's production arm, Universal Television.[4] In an interview with The Daily Beast, Baldwin stated, "I'm going to do it for a year, and then we'll see what happens."[5]
On November 15, 2013, MSNBC announced that Up Late would be suspended for two weeks starting with that night's show after Baldwin received criticism for allegedly calling a photographer a "cock-sucking fag".[6] Baldwin denied the specific wording of the insult, though he still released an apology for the outburst.[7] On November 26, 2013, MSNBC announced that they had fired Baldwin and cancelled the program.[8]
The host of Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC discusses his new book, Tip and the Gipper, and the current state of politics in the United States. Also: New York Times columnist Michael Powell.