Untitled #93 is a color photograph created by Cindy Sherman in 1981. It is part of her Centerfolds series of 12 photographs made for the Artforum magazine. They were never published there but went to be exhibited publicly the same year, to critical acclaim.
The picture depicts a young blonde woman lying in her bed, in underwear, with a tired and sweaty expression, while pulling her black sheets to her chest. She appears distraught as the sunlight fills the entire scene. The picture created debate, since some hinted that the photograph implied a situation of sexual abuse. Sherman denied that interpretation. She stated that "To me, the whole inspiration for the picture was somebody who'd been up all night drinking and partying and had just gone to sleep five minutes before the sun rose and woke her up. So it bothered me at first when people criticized the picture, seeing the side that I hadn't intended... I was definitely trying to provoke in those pictures."[1]
Art market
A print of the photograph was sold by $3,861,000 at Sotheby'sNew York, on 14 May 2014, the second most expensive by the artist.[2][3]