Unnai Suttrum Ulagam (transl. The world revolves around you) is a 1977 Indian Tamil-language drama film written and directed by G. Subramaniya Reddiar. The film stars Jayalalithaa, leading an ensemble cast including Prameela, Vidhubala, Kamal Haasan, Savithri and Vijayakumar. Jayalalithaa played the elder sister who sacrifices her happiness for the sake of her siblings. The film was released on 29 April 1977, and Jayalalithaa won the Tamil Nadu Cinema Fan Award for Best Actress.
Lakshmi is a playful village belle and Dhanabakiyam is her well wisher. Dhanabakiyam's husband leaves her. Lakshmi is the elder sister of Seetha, Raja and Mala. She takes care of her all siblings. But Raja disrespects her. Seetha dies while pregnant. How Lakshmi saves her family forms the crux of the story.
Unnai Suttrum Ulagam was released on 29 April 1977.[5] Jayalalithaa won the Tamil Nadu Cinema Fan Award for Best Actress.[6] Kanthan of Kalki felt the film thought of something to say and said whatever but somehow it goes around.[3]