Unakkaga Mattum (transl. For you only) is a 2000 Indian Tamil language film directed by Chinni Jayanth, making his directorial debut. The film stars himself, newcomer Adhithya, newcomer Poonam and Ramji. The film, produced by Jayasree Narayanan, had music composed by newcomer Bobby Shankar, Shankar's son (of the duo Shankar–Ganesh)[1] and was released on 22 July 2000.[2]
Subramani (Adhitya), a timid and rich Brahmin boy, falls in love with Lakshmi (Poonam), a poor girl. Raja (Chinni Jayanth), a rich drunkard, joins the college. Raja falls for Lakshmi but later withdraws, and he is content to remain her good friend. Subramani begins to suspect the relationship between Raja and Lakshmi. Subramani becomes a drunkard, although Raja stops drinking alcohol.
The film's lead actor, Adithya, made his acting debut in the film. Originally from Punjab, Adithya is the nephew of the choreographer, Chopra of Hindi films, and the son of the winner of the Miss India 1972 pageant.[3]
The soundtrack was composed by Bobby Shankar, with lyrics written by Pulamaipithan and Kavi Varma.[4][5]