In January 2005 the Mayor was Inácio da Luz Araújo. The city council had 09 members and there were 2,528 eligible voters (December/2007). The population density was 2.62 inhab/km2 (2007). The urban population was 1,524 while the rural population was 1,497. There has been a gain of about 100 people since 1996
The economy is based on subsistence agriculture, cattle raising, services, public administration, and small manufacturing industries. In 2007 there were 9 industrial units and 29 commercial units. There were only 119 automobiles. The cattle herd had 85,000 head (2006). The main crops were rice (600 hectares), sugarcane, beans, manioc, corn (400 hectares), and hearts of palm.
Farms: 330
Total agricultural area: 61,610 hectares
Permanent planted area: 88 hectares
Perennial planted area: 796 hectares
Natural pasture: 43,358 hectares
Woodland and forest: 14,930 hectares
Workers related to the farm owner: 730
Workers not related to the farm owner: 177 (IBGE)
Tractors: 112
Number of farms with tractors: 66
In the educational sector there were 6 schools with 1,138 students (2006). The adult literacy rate was 79.6% (2000) (national average was 86.4%). There were no hospitals in 2007. The infant mortality rate: 45.34 (2000) (national average was 33.0). This was an increase from 1998 when the rate was 28.28.
The score on the Municipal Human Development Index was 0.662. This ranked Uirapuru 230 out of 242 municipalities in the state in 2000, and
3,571 out of 5,507 municipalities in the country in 2000. The ranking on the Seplan Economic Development Index (2001) was 164 out of 246 municipalities (2001). See Seplan while on the Seplan Social Development Index (2000) the ranking was 229 out of 246 municipalities (2000) See Seplan