Legendary founder of the Gaelic Irish clan Dál gCais
Cas or Tál Cas was the eponymous ancestor and dynastic founder of the Dál gCais[1] (Deisi Tuaiscirt) clan in Gaelic Ireland, from whom all branches of the Dalcassian dynasty claim common descent.
Tál Cas was the son of Conall Eachluath and his wife Coirpthe, daughter of Eochaid Mugmedon.[2] He acquired the nickname Tál (meaning "adze") as he was the foster son of a wright. He became King of Thomond and made a gavel of his territory among his thirteen sons. On his death the kingship of Thomond passed to his eldest son Blait.[3][4]
Surnames purported to be of Dalcassian origin have a statistically significant correlation with the possession of the Y-DNA signature R-L226 and thus this mutation is believed to be associated with their ancestral founder.[5]
^Bart Jaski, 'The (legendary) rise of Dál Cais', in: Seán Duffy (ed.), Medieval Dublin XVI: proceedings of Clontarf 1014–2014: national conference marking the millennium of the Battle of Clontarf (Dublin, 2017). 15–61.