Tuneland is a musical children's video game, produced in 1993 by a division of 7th Level, Kids' World Entertainment. The cartoon video game follows the character Little Howie, who is voiced by the television personality Howie Mandel on an adventure around Old McDonald's Farm.
Tuneland was followed by the Lil' Howie series: Lil' Howie's Great Word Adventure, Lil' Howie's Great Math Adventure, and Lil' Howie's Great Reading Adventure. The series has won 36 awards.
The game using a simple point and click interface to move around the locations. There are also hotspots to trigger animations.[1] The eight locations in the game are the barnyard, the farmhouse, the barn, the pond, grandma's house, the train station, the mountain, and the valley.[2]
Tuneland has never been completely localized in German. Only the follow-ups, such as Howie's Great Math Adventure, have been fully localized with German voice talents.
Sarah, is a yellow bear and Howie's older sister. In the follow-ups the player can click her for help.
In April 1994 Computer Gaming World said that Tuneland was "a wholly captivating experience for both children and their parents"[4] The magazine in May 1994 said that the game "uses traditional animation techniques and a lot of creative humor" to teach songs and rhymes "children would normally have to learn from Barney".[5]
Tuneland received various awards including World Class Award for Children's CD-ROM Game from PC World, and an Award in Excellence from the Film Advisory Board.[6] In 1994 it was also featured in the Top 10 Best Kids Products of the Year from Entertainment Weekly and the Top 100 CD-ROMs from PC Magazine.[7][8]