Tritiyo Matra is a Bangladeshi talk show aired on Channel I. On July 17, 2003 the program first aired on TV. Known as the first talk show in Bangladesh. At present, the show broadcasts on Channel I in Bangladesh at 1:00 am and at 9:45 am. The program's planner, director and presenter Zillur Rahman.[1][2]
Tritiyo Matra discusses the important issues of politics. In each episode there are two guests, who argue for themselves. While the third dimension is primarily a politics-based discussion, it discusses every issue, including society, economics, science, literature, and humanities. On various important days in Bangladesh, the program also discussed outside politics. As of November 7, the show has aired a total of 8 episodes।[3][4]
2003 - Bangladesh Television Reporters Association Award, best talk-show
2003, 2004, 2005 - Bangladesh Film Journalist Association Award, Television Department, Best Talk Show (Educational)
2004 - Dhaka Cultural Reporters Association Star Award, Best Talk Show
2004 - Stamford-Bangladesh Television Reporters Association Award
2009 - Bangladesh Cultural Reporters Association
Besides, the Tritiyo Matra as the best television program was nominated for the 2003 Meril Prothom Aloa Award in 2003 and 2004.[5]