A triple system is said to be a Lie triple system if the trilinear map, denoted , satisfies the following identities:
The first two identities abstract the skew symmetry and Jacobi identity for the triple commutator, while the third identity means that the linear map Lu,v: V → V, defined by Lu,v(w) = [u, v, w], is a derivation of the triple product. The identity also shows that the space k = span {Lu,v : u, v ∈ V} is closed under commutator bracket, hence a Lie algebra.
Writing m in place of V, it follows that
can be made into a -graded Lie algebra, the standard embedding of m, with bracket
The decomposition of g is clearly a symmetric decomposition for this Lie bracket, and hence if G is a connected Lie group with Lie algebra g and K is a subgroup with Lie algebra k, then G/K is a symmetric space.
Conversely, given a Lie algebra g with such a symmetric decomposition (i.e., it is the Lie algebra of a symmetric space), the triple bracket [[u, v], w] makes m into a Lie triple system.
Jordan triple systems
A triple system is said to be a Jordan triple system if the trilinear map, denoted {.,.,.}, satisfies the following identities:
The first identity abstracts the symmetry of the triple anticommutator, while the second identity means that if Lu,v:V→V is defined by Lu,v(y) = {u, v, y} then
so that the space of linear maps span {Lu,v:u,v ∈ V} is closed under commutator bracket, and hence is a Lie algebra g0.
Any Jordan triple system is a Lie triple system with respect to the product
A Jordan triple system is said to be positive definite (resp. nondegenerate) if the bilinear form on V defined by the trace of Lu,v is positive definite (resp. nondegenerate). In either case, there is an identification of V with its dual space, and a corresponding involution on g0. They induce an involution of
which in the positive definite case is a Cartan involution. The corresponding symmetric space is a symmetric R-space. It has a noncompact dual given by replacing the Cartan involution by its composite with the involution equal to +1 on g0 and −1 on V and V*. A special case of this construction arises when g0 preserves a complex structure on V. In this case we obtain dual Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type (the latter being bounded symmetric domains).
Jordan pair
A Jordan pair is a generalization of a Jordan triple system involving two vector spaces V+ and V−. The trilinear map is then replaced by a pair of trilinear maps
which are often viewed as quadratic maps V+ → Hom(V−, V+) and V− → Hom(V+, V−). The other Jordan axiom (apart from symmetry) is likewise replaced by two axioms, one being
and the other being the analogue with + and − subscripts exchanged.
As in the case of Jordan triple systems, one can define, for u in V− and v in V+, a linear map
and similarly L−. The Jordan axioms (apart from symmetry) may then be written
which imply that the images of L+ and L− are closed under commutator brackets in End(V+) and End(V−). Together they determine a linear map
whose image is a Lie subalgebra , and the Jordan identities become Jacobi identities for a graded Lie bracket on
so that conversely, if
is a graded Lie algebra, then the pair is a Jordan pair, with brackets
Jordan triple systems are Jordan pairs with V+ = V− and equal trilinear maps. Another important case occurs when V+ and V− are dual to one another, with dual trilinear maps determined by an element of
These arise in particular when above is semisimple, when the Killing form provides a duality between and .