
TravelTalkRADIO is a live talk radio show created and hosted by Sandy Dhuyvetter. The show runs for two hours on Sundays from 9 to 11 a.m. Pacific Time. Dhuyvetter typically broadcasts from her studio in Encinitas, California, but often takes the show on the road. She has broadcast live from remote sites in Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and North America.[1]

TravelTalkRADIO focuses on travel and tourism and began airing in 2001. Each week, host Dhuyvetter speaks with experts from around the world in the travel industry, as well as authors of travel books and publishers of travel magazines. The program introduces audiences to regional, national and international travel topics with the goal of facilitating "communications between tour operators, wholesales, travel agents and consumers."[2]

Dhuyvetter is quoted as saying that TravelTalkRADIO was "one of the first Internet radio shows."[3]

TravelTalkRADIO is affiliated with TravelTalkMEDIA, which encompasses the web, television and radio aspects of the company. The show is distributed by conventional radio stations in the United States, United Kingdom, Africa and China, including on China National Radio.[1] Via satellite, TravelTalkRADIO is distributed in the Western Hemisphere, South America and the Pacific Rim.[4]

TravelTalkRADIO and TravelTalkMEDIA fall under the parent company CelestiaLINK LLC.


  1. ^ a b "Sandy Dhuyvetter Background". TravelTalkRADIO website. Archived from the original on 2009-01-20. Retrieved 2008-04-23.
  2. ^ "America's Voices in Israel - Travel Talk in Israel". The Jerusalem Post. 2006-05-21. Archived from the original on 2008-04-07. Retrieved 2008-04-23.
  3. ^ Stein, Pat (2003-01-16). "Travel Talk Radio host shares love of adventure on the air and on the Web". San Diego Union-Tribune. Archived from the original on 2008-12-02. Retrieved 2008-04-23.
  4. ^ "DDB's Chairman Emeritus Keith Reinhard Speaks about the "Global Brand of America" in an interview on TravelTalkRADIO". 2007-08-08. Archived from the original on 2010-07-03. Retrieved 2008-04-23.