Hosted by a virtual assistant named "Lana", the show revolves around 10 contestants – all of whom primarily engage in meaningless flings and are unable to form long-lasting relationships – who are placed together in a house for four weeks and must go through various workshops, all while being forbidden from any kissing, sexual contact or self-gratification, with the monetary prize getting reduced any time a rule is broken.
Netflix renewed Too Hot to Handle: Brazil for a second season on November 23, 2021.[3] Netflix then first released Season 2 on September 28, 2022.
Hosted by a cone-shaped virtual assistant named "Lana", the show revolves around 10 contestants – all of whom primarily engage in meaningless flings and are unable to form long-lasting relationships – who are placed together in a house for four weeks. While there, the contestants must go through various workshops, all while being forbidden from any kissing, sexual contact or self-gratification. The idea behind this is to foster genuine connections between the participants. The contestants start with a R$500,000 grand prize that gets reduced any time a rule is broken.
Each season starts with 10 new contestants, although later new additions occasionally join throughout. Similarly, contestants who are unable to form connections in the house or commit to the process are sometimes kicked out.
After the series, in 2022, Brenda Paixão and Matheus Sampaio appeared as a couple in Power Couple Brasil 6. They won the competition.[7]
In 2023, Ronaldo Moura and Victória Macan appeared on A Grande Conquista 1, Moura have to compete for a place to enter in the mansion and he didn't enter, while Macan received enough votes to enter in the game and finished the game in 11th place.
The trailer for Too Hot to Handle: Brazil was released on June 30, 2021. With the trailer, it was announced that the eight-episode first season would be released on a two-week schedule: the first four episodes were released on July 21, 2021, while the final four on July 28.[8]