Tomorrow Corporation is an independent video game studio consisting of Kyle Gabler, Allan Blomquist, and Kyle Gray.[1] It is a division of the Experimental Gameplay Group.[2][3]
In 2010, once those projects were completed, the trio met again and decided to form Tomorrow Corporation.[8] They produced their first title, Little Inferno in 2012. Their next game, Human Resource Machine, was released in October 2015, and its sequel, 7 Billion Humans in August 2018. In March 2018, they announced their next game would be titled Welcome to the Information Superhighway.[9] In December 2021, they published The Captain, developed by Sysiac Games.[10]
The company supports the Experimental Gameplay Project, which encourages non-standard game development strategies. The Project, originally started by Gabler and Gray while at Carnegie Mellon University in 2005[11] aims less to be a competitor, and more a source of inspiration, for other game developers, recognizing that game conception is generally one of the more difficult aspects of development.[12]
The goal of the project was to encourage individual developers to create a functional game prototype within seven days based on a given abstract theme, such as "gravity" or "flowers". Developers are then free to continue to expand on the development if they choose; for example, World of Goo is based on Tower of Goo which was one of the original entries for the Project.[12]