Slovene chemist and writer
Tita Kovač Artemis (19 September 1930 – 11 March 2016) was a Slovene chemist and writer.[1]
She won the Levstik Award in 1985 for her book Kemiki skozi stoletja (Chemists Through the Centuries).[2]
She was best known for her documented biographical novels on Johann Weikhard von Valvasor Spomini baraona Valvasorja (Memoirs of Baron Valvasor), 1973; Stephen Dečanski Štefan Dečanski, 1974; Sigmund Zois Najbogatejši Kranjec (The Richest Carniolan), 1979; Janez Bleiweis Slovenski orator (The Slovene Orator), 1990; and Ioannis Kapodistrias Grški feniks (The Greek Phoenix), 2003.[citation needed]
In 1970 she moved to Greece where she lived and worked for many years until she moved to a retirement home near Topolšica in her native Slovenia.[3]