Cross-cultural Perspectives on the History of Chinese Protestantism: A Collection of Essays《跨文化視野下的中國基督教史論集》. Taipei: Cosmic Light 宇宙光, 2006.
Selected co-authored books
A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2018.
Between Continuity and Changes: Studies on the History of Chinese Christianity since 1949. 《恆與變之間——1949年以來的中國基督教史論集》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2017.
A History of Hong Kong Baptist University, 1956-2016.《香港浸會大學六十年發展史》 Hong Kong: The Joint Publishing Company (三聯書店), 2016.
A Centenary History of St. Paul’s Church, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. 香港聖公會聖保羅堂百年史. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Bookstore (中華書局), 2013.
Selected co-edited books
Western Tides Coming Ashore in a Changing World:Christianity and China's Passage into Modernity《變局下的西潮:基督教與中國的現代性》 Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2015.