His ancestors were merchants who moved in the first half of the 18th century from Holland to Arkhangelsk. Born in Saint Petersburg, in the family of Yefrem Ivanovich Fan-der-Flit, the head of the border guard and director of the Kronstadtcustoms.
He was married to Tatyana Fyodorovna Sukhotina (1776—1854), daughter of major Fyodor Grigorievich Sukhotin (1743—1814), from the marriage to Anna Nikolaevna Sokovnina. Their children:
Fyodor Timofeevich (1810—1873), senator, director of the Chancellery of the Ministry of Finance.
Ekaterina Timofeevna (1812—1877), in her youth, Nestor Kukolnik was in love with her and sang her under the name "Lenora". In 1835, she was married to Rear Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788-1851).
Anna Timofeevna (1814—?), married to colonel Mikhail Nikolaevich Depreradovich (1807—1873).
Alexandra Timofeevna (1818—1859), married since 13 November 1838[2] to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Aledinsky (1813—1868),[3] the son of general Alexander Pavlovich Aledinsky.
^Карелия: энциклопедия: в 3 т. / гл. ред. А. Ф. Титов. Т. 3: Р — Я. — Петрозаводск: «ПетроПресс», 2011. — 384 с.: ил., карт. ISBN978-5-8430-0127-8 (т. 3)
^ЦГИА СПб. ф.19. оп.111. д.299. с. 312. Метрические книги Пантелеимоновской церкви.
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Серков А. И. Русское масонство. 1731—2000 гг. Энциклопедический словарь. — М.: Российская политическая энциклопедия, 2001.
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Кораблёв Н. А., Т. А. Мошина. Олонецкие губернаторы и генерал-губернаторы: Биографический справочник. — Петрозаводск: «Строительный стандарт», 2012. — С. 50–55. — 140 с. — ISBN5-87870-010-7.