The video was directed by Brian Palmer and Brad Palmer of the production company Surround. The video concept is based on a loner kid who spaces out in a cafe and builds a house of cards which he escapes into. It features Guinness World Record Holder Bryan Berg, who holds the record for highest house of cards. The video debuted on AOL music, and was successful on VH1's Top 20 Video Countdown, reaching as high as #2.
Official Remixes
Tall Paul Remix
Tall Paul Remix Edit
Tall Paul Dub
Ultradonkey Remix
Ultradonkey Remix Edit
Van She Tech Remix
Van She Tech Dub
Chart positions
"Time Won't Let Me Go" entered Billboard'sModern Rock Tracks chart on March 31, 2007 at #40. It peaked at #10 on the chart, giving the band their first top 10 hit. However, it was a massive disappointment in the UK, failing to chart at all, receiving hardly any radio airplay, although it is still tracklisted on Asda FM.