After Syriza won a majority in legislative elections held on 25 January 2015, Tsipras became Prime Minister of Greece and brokered a coalition with the right-wing anti-austerity Independent Greeks with the shared goal of immediate realisation of the programme.[3] An official Syriza statement promised that the "new government will implement the Thessaloniki program to end the humanitarian crisis".[4]
On 13 July 2015, the Greek government and the European creditors reached an agreement under which the government had to implement harsh austerity measures, which effectively made the major economic measures proposed by the Thessaloniki programme virtually impossible to implement.[5]
The Four Pillars of the National Reconstruction Plan
The programme is based on four pillars:
Confronting the humanitarian crisis
Restarting the economy and promoting tax justice
National plan to regain employment
Transforming the political system to deepen democracy
At the time of its publication, the programme was criticised by the New Democracy–led government for underestimating the costs of its pledges.[7] Since then, it has also been criticised from within Syriza. In January 2015, Central Committee member Stathis Kouvelakis stated that the programme "was based on very over-optimistic estimates (or even simply wrong ones)".[8]