Species of flowering plant
Thesium linophyllon is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Santalaceae.[1]
Its native range is France to Latvia and Central Greece.[1]
- Linophyllum clusii Bubani[1]
- Linosyris intermedia (Schrad.) Kuntze[1]
- Linosyris linophyllon Kuntze[1]
- Thesium arvense Horv.[1]
- Thesium fulvopes Griess.[1]
- Thesium hutterianum Opiz[1]
- Thesium intermedium Schrad.[1]
- Thesium linariae-folium Gilib.[1]
- Thesium linifolium Christm.[1]
- Thesium linifolium Schrank[1]
- Thesium linophyllon var. pilosiusculum Lawalrée[1]
- Thesium transsilvanicum Schur[1]
- Xerololophus trinervis Dulac[1]