The fifth season, of The Voice Kids, a Ukrainian reality singing show competition, premiered on May 26, 2019 on 1+1. Returning coaches Aleksey Zavgorodniy and Nadya Dorofeeva of Vremya i Steklo, who share a mentor chair, are joined by new coaches Jamala and Dzidzio.[1]
– Winning coach/contestant. Winners are in bold, eliminated contestants in small font.
– Runner-up coach/contestant. Final contestant first listed.
– Third place coach/contestant. Final contestant first listed.
After the Blind Auditions, each coach had twelve contestants for the Battle rounds. Coaches begin narrowing down the playing field by training the contestants. Each battle concluding with the respective coach eliminating two of the three contestants; the four winners for each coach advanced to the Knockouts.
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Artist won the Battle and advances to the Knockouts
In this phase of the competition, each of the top six finalists took the stage and performed a solo song. The television audience choose the final three artists who advanced to the next round.
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The final round of the competition featured the top three finalists performed a solo song. Before the start of the performances, voting lines were opened live-in-show for the television audience to vote for the final three and decide the winner. The winner of The Voice Kids was announced at the end of the show.