The show was officially announced in May 2019, following a lunch between The Veronicas and Simon Bates, VP head of MTV APAC, with Bates explaining that "after that lunch, I was 100% making this show with them. They are absolutely perfect for MTV. We're perfect for them at this particular stage in their career."[4] He further stated that "their brand and ours is so similar in that we're music, but we're also more than that, we're celebrity pop culture. They're all about design and style and fun, but they've been pop and rock. They're just so well matched with MTV as a brand". The Veronicas: Blood Is for Life premiered on MTV on 10 November 2019.[5]
Following the show's conclusion, in January 2020 The Music Network stated that The Veronicas: Blood Is for Life had "opened the doors for more local reality shows as well as its proven brands as Unplugged, TRL, Teen Mom and Cribs"; and that the show was at the time also being screened through MTV internationally, "with a particular push in the US, UK and parts of Europe where the act has a large fan base – before going on to YouTube."[4]