The Throwback is a 2023 American comedy film written and directed by Mario Garcia in his directorial debut. The film stars Justina Machado as a mother who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, causing her to regress to her college-student, party-going persona, but who eventually learns the party life will never replace the love for her family. The film also stars Will Sasso, Gregg Sulkin, Michelle Randolph and Bobby Lee. It initially screened at the Tampa Theatre on May 3, 2023, and was released by Myriad Pictures on March 15, 2024.[1]
In April 2022, it was reported that Justina Machado and Will Sasso will star in the independent comedy film The Throwback, the feature directorial debut of Mario Garcia.[2]Gregg Sulkin, Michelle Randolph and Bobby Lee joined the cast in main roles in May.[3][4][5]