The Singing Voice of Japan

Cover of the first collection of Songs for Youth edited by Akiko Seki (Tokyo, Typography of the cultural section of the Communist Youth League of Japan, 1948)

The Singing Voice of Japan (Japanese: 日本のうたごえ, Nihon no Utagoe / うたごえ運動, Utagoe-undō) is the name of a social and political movement that emerged after World War II in Japan and based on musical and choral activities of the working class of the entire nation. On the ideological position of communism or democratic socialism, activists of the movement organize choral circles in factories, in schools and in their residential areas. The movement reached its peak in the years 1950–60. Japanese singer Akiko Seki (Japanese: 関鑑子) is generally regarded as the founder of the Singing Voice of Japan.

A portrait of Akiko Seki in 1955
Statement of the Executive Committee, opposing the renewal of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan (Journal of The Singing Voice of Japan, June 11, 1960)


  • May 1, 1946: In the occasion of the first May Day post-war in Tokyo, Akiko Seki conducted L'internationale and a Japanese version of The Red Flag; this experience led her to the creation of a national musical movement of the working class.[1]
  • February 10, 1948: Akiko Seki created the Choir of the Communist Youth League of Japan (Japanese: 日本青年共産同盟中央合唱団, romanizedNihon-seinen-kyōsan-dōmei Chuō-gassyōdan) in Tokyo, as the core of national musical movement of the working class.[2]
  • June 1949: First issue of the periodical Singing Voice, organ of the Choir of the Communist Youth League of Japan (Japanese: 日本青年共産同盟中央合唱団機関紙「うたごえ」, romanizedUtagoe).[2]
  • November 29, 1953: First national festival of the Singing voice of Japan in Tokyo, in the halls Hibiya Kōkaidō (日比谷公会堂) and Kanda Kyōristu Kōdō (神田共立講堂).[2]
  • February 14, 1955: Permanent institution of the Executive Committee of the Festival of the Singing Voice of Japan (Japanese: 日本のうたごえ実行委員会, romanizedNihon no Utagoe Jikkō-Iinkai).[2]
  • December 20, 1955: Akiko Seki received the Stalin Peace Prize.
  • May 1960: Statement of the Executive Committee of the Festival opposing the renewal of Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan.[3]
  • November 7, 1967: Première of a partial version of the opera Okinawa (Japanese: 歌劇「沖縄」, romanizedKageki Okinawa) in Naha (Okinawa).
  • November 25, 1967: First local performance in Tokyo, of the partial version of the opera Okinawa , in the Nippon Budōkan (日本武道館).[4]
  • December 10, 1969: First performance of the complete version of the opera Okinawa in Tokyo, in the hall Shibuya Kōkaidō (渋谷公会堂).[5]
  • April 1971: First issue of the quarterly organ of the executive committee of the Festival (Japanese: 「季刊日本のうたごえ」, romanizedKikan Nihon no Utagoe).[6]
  • February 25, 1974: Radical revision of the organizational system of the executive committee, adopted during its sixth national congress: renaming the committee "National Council of the Singing Voice of Japan" (Japanese: 日本のうたごえ全国協議会, romanizedNihon no utagoe zenkoku kyōgikai).[7]

Musical repertoire and organization

The repertoire of the movement consists mainly in revolutionary songs and those of the working class of different nations. Among registered members of individual committees (distinguished by region, industrial union, and other criterion) of the singing voice of Japan is favored to create new songs and choral pieces in the genre suited to the needs of their group. According to the program adopted in 2013, the National Council of the singing voice of Japan aims the objective to include 500 units and choral circles allover the national territory of Japan.[8]

Origin of the Hiragana script (うたごえ) for the name of the movement

Traditionally, the two initial words of the movement's official name Singing Voice are not expressed in Kanji (Japanese: 漢字) as would be standard today, but in Hiragana (Japanese: 平仮名) that is: うたごえ (Utagoe written in Hiragana) instead of 歌声 (the same in Kanji). And at least since the first national Festival of the movement in 1953, its title text was written in Hiragana: The singing voice is the vitality of peace - The Singing Voice of Japan 1953 (Japanese: うたごえは平和の力 - 1953年日本のうたごえ). Concerning the origin of such a particular script, Masamitsu Kiyomiya (清宮正光) who was one of the founding members of the Choir of the Communist Youth League of Japan, recalled the moment of publication of the first choir organ Utagoe (June 1949) in these terms:

...When we decided to create the periodical organ of the Choir, I was in charge of all the task. It was my idea to name it with the words Singing Voice in Hiragana script (Japanese: うたごえ, romanizedUtagoe), because at that time these words were not well diffused, so this might have been one of the most important works of my career. Thus I entitled it in Hiragana because the aim of the movement was to involve even a large part of the working class that could not have graduated the secondary school.[2]

However, even after the first issue of the choir organ, the script for the Japanese word Utagoe in Kanji (歌声) and one mixed with Hiragana (歌ごえ) were sometimes used by authors of books or periodicals concerning The Singing Voice of Japan,[9][10] while an exclusive formalization of Hiragana script (うたごえ) has never been imposed by any official organization of the movement. A very remarkable example of the graphical oscillation would be the autograph of Akiko Seki dedicated to the national Festival of December 1962, in which she wrote one of the movement slogans The singing voice is the vitality of peace (Japanese: うたごえは平和の力, romanizedUtagoe wa heiwa no chikara) using mixed script of both Kanji and Hiragana for the word Utagoe, precisely such as: 歌こえ [sic].

Relationship with the Japanese Communist Party

In accordance with the slogan Let's sing for the struggle (of the working class) (Japanese: うたは闘いとともに, romanizedUta wa tatakai to tomo ni), activists of the movement have composed many songs to encourage workers protest against illegal discrimination of their employers. In the 1960s, instruction of militants of the movement and continued improvement of their ideological, political and artistic quality were considered important means of cultural policy by the Japanese Communist Party (Japanese: 日本共産党, romanizedNihon kyōsantō).[11] Nowadays (2016), the only group that is active and explicitly dedicated to the support of JCP is Choir of JCP-fans (Japanese: JCPファン雑唱団, romanizedJCP fan zassyōdan), established in 2011 in Kyoto by veteran activists of the movement and directed by Tadao Yamamoto, composer, accordionist, choir director and an ordinary member of the National Council of The Singing Voice of Japan: the choir witnesses the historical connection calling itself by the acronym of English official name of the party.[12] Its repertory and artistic activity are strongly linked in the movement, and in various cultural events organized by the Party, the Choir of JCP-fans appears as an element among the joined choirs of the volunteer singers of The Singing Voice of Japan.

Notable concerts and performances of the Choir:

  • February 11, 2011, Kyoto Kaikan Hall: Concert sponsored by the Kyoto Committee of the JCP.[12]
  • August 1, 2013, Nishijin Bunka Center (Kyoto): Cultural Live Revolutionary Pub, in collaboration with Tokiko Nishiyama, former JCP member of the House of Councilors.[13]
  • September 23, 2014, Takaragaike Park (Kyoto): Festival Kyoto ed.2014, organized by the Kyoto Committee of the JCP.[14]
  • February 1, 2015, Kyoiku Bunka Center (Kyoto): Festival sponsored by the Kyoto Committee of the JCP.[15]
  • April 29, 2016, Takaragaike Park (Kyoto): Festival Kyoto ed.2016, organized by the Kyoto Committee of the JCP: performance with Seifuku Kōjō Iinkai (制服向上委員会) and Akira Koike (小池晃), JCP member of the House of Councilors, and Secretary-General of the Party.[16][17]

Episode of a Minister of Finance who tried to show his cultural competence uttering the name of the movement

In 1963, during a discussion in the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors of Japan (Japanese: 参議院予算委員会) around taxes to impose on entry tickets to theaters, Gorō Sudō (Japanese: 須藤五郎), a member of the Japanese Communist Party and militant of The Singing Voice of Japan, asked Kakuei Tanaka (Japanese: 田中角栄), Minister of Finance at the time, if he knew of the existence of an workers' association of concert goers. To such a question, Minister Tanaka had to answer: "I do not know well about it". So Sudō recommenced his speech but the Minister who listened for a moment the continuation of the speech interrupted Sudō, uttering: "The Singing Voice..." (Japanese: うたごえ..., romanizedUtagoe...), then Sudō replied: "Not The Singing Voice of Japan. I am speaking of an association of music listeners. The Singing Voice of Japan is a movement for singers"[18],.[19]

Personalities and historical activists

  • Akiko Seki (関鑑子): singer, founder of the movement (1899–1973)
  • Sakae Araki (荒木栄): composer (1924–1962)
  • Gorō Sudō (須藤五郎): composer, conductor, JCP member of the House of Councilors (1897–1988)
  • Yoritoyo Inoue (井上頼豊): cellist (1912–1996)
  • Katsura Nakazawa (中澤桂): soprano (1933–2016)
  • Nobuo Terahara (寺原伸夫): composer (1928–1998)
  • Hikaru Hayashi (林光): composer (1931–2012)
  • Yūzō Toyama (外山雄三): conductor (1931–)
  • Susumu Ōnishi (大西進): composer (1931–)
  • Nobuo Sugimoto (杉本信夫): composer, musicologist (1934–)
  • Kiminobu Sōma (相馬公信): composer, choir singer (1942–)
  • Tadao Yamamoto (山本忠生): composer (1939–)
  • Hiromi Fujimoto (藤本洋): poet (1932–)
  • Daisuke Doi (土井大助): poet (1927–2014)
  • Taku Izumi (いずみたく): composer (1930–1992)
  • Kōji Kinoshita (木下航二): composer (1925–1999)


General history of the movement

  • Various authors: The Singing Voice of Japan - collection of favorite songs: definitive edition (special issue of the magazine Chisei, Tokyo, 1956). Library catalog of the Miyagi Gakuin Women's University[JA]. 「日本のうたごえ: 決定版 愛唱歌集」(雑誌「知性」1956年増刊号:東京、河出書房)
  • Toshio Itoya: History of labors' and revolutionary songs (Tokyo, 1970). NDL Search[JA]. 糸屋寿雄「労働歌・革命歌物語」(東京、1970年)
  • Akiko Seki: Since I am bewitched by the singing voice (Tokyo, 1971). NDL Search[JA]. 関鑑子「歌ごえに魅せられて」(東京、1971年)
  • Nishio Jirouhei and Tamotsu Yazawa: Japanese revolutionary songs (Tokyo, 1974). NDL Search[JA]. 西尾治郎平、矢沢保 編「日本の革命歌」(東京、1974年)
  • Yoritoyo Inoue: Singing voice, spread your wings (Tokyo, 1978). NDL Search[JA]. 井上頼豊 編「うたごえよ翼ひろげて: 1948-1978」(東京、1978年)
  • Tamotsu Yazawa: Singing voice for freedom and revolution (Tokyo, 1978). NDL Search[JA]. 矢沢保「自由と革命の歌ごえ」(東京、1978年)
  • Various authors: Introduction to The Singing Voice of Japan - commemorating the 30th anniversary of the movement, in: Kikan Nihon no Utagoe (Quarterly theoretical organ of the National Council of The Singing Voice of Japan, December 1978). NDL Search[JA]. 「30周年記念 うたごえ運動入門」(日本のうたごえ全国協議会理論誌「季刊日本のうたごえ」1978年12月号)
  • Hiromi Fujimoto: Singing for the struggle of the working class - History of The Singing Voice of Japan (Tokyo, 1980). Catalogue of the Prefectural Library of Nagasaki[JA]. 藤本洋「うたは闘いとともに: うたごえの歩み」(東京、1980年)

History of specific aspects of the movement

  • Hiromi Fujimoto: Singing for the struggle of the working class - History of the Choir Chūō (Tokyo, 1971). NDL Search[JA]. 藤本洋「歌はたたかいとともに: 中央合唱団のあゆみ」(東京、1971年)
  • Various authors: Great red rose: memories around Akiko Seki (Tokyo, 1981). NDL Search[JA]. 関鑑子追想集編集委員会 編「大きな紅ばら: 関鑑子追想集」(東京、1981年)
  • Yaeko Morita: Let this victory resonate, roar: life of Sakae Araki (Tokyo, 1983). NDL Search[JA]. 森田ヤエ子「この勝利ひびけとどろけ: 荒木栄の生涯」(東京、1983年)
  • Kuniyoshi Kōya: Songs and life of Sakae Araki, composer of the working class (Tokyo, 1985). NDL Search[JA]. 神谷国善「労働者作曲家 荒木栄の歌と生涯」(東京、1985年)
  • Saburō Hino: Rails, sing in full voice - the romanticism of railway workers (Tokyo, 1988). NDL Search[JA]. 日野三朗「レールよ高らかにうたえ: 鉄路に生きる男のロマン」(東京、1988年)
  • Various authors: Resonate, singing voice for peace - the movement of The Singing Voice of Japan under the US military occupation in Okinawa (Haebaru [Okinawa], 2004). NDL Search[JA]. 沖縄のうたごえ運動編集委員会 企画・編集「ひびけ平和のうたごえ: 米軍占領下の沖縄のうたごえ運動」(沖縄・南風原町、2004年)
  • Tsuneko Nara: Memory of my life for The Singing Voice of Japan (Tokyo, 2007). NDL Search[JA]. 奈良恒子「うたごえに生きて」(東京、2007年)


See also


  1. ^ Akiko Seki: Theory of The Singing Voice of Japan: What is the music (Tokyo, 1956), p.58. 関鑑子「うたごえ運動の理論-音楽とは何か-」(「知性」1956年増刊号[東京、河出書房])58ページ
  2. ^ a b c d e NDL Search Various Authors: Ōkina benibara. (Tokyo, 1981) 関鑑子追想集編集委員会 編 「大きな紅ばら: 関鑑子追想集」 (音楽センター 1981年) 関鑑子略年譜
  3. ^ Journal of The Singing Voice of Japan, June 11, 1960, p.1. 「うたごえ新聞」 1960年6月11日号 第1ページ
  4. ^ Journal Akahata, November 26, 1967, p.7. 日本共産党中央機関紙「赤旗」1967年11月26日号 第7ページ 記事 ”一万人が大合唱-日本のうたごえ 大音楽会開く”
  5. ^ Journal of The Singing Voice of Japan, January 1–10, 1969, pp.4-5. 「うたごえ新聞」1970年1月1日·10日合併号 第4・5ページ
  6. ^ NDL Search Kikan Nihon no Utagoe 「季刊日本のうたごえ」
  7. ^ Journal of The Singing Voice of Japan, September 10, 1969, pp.1,6. 「うたごえ新聞」1973年9月10日号 第1・6ページ
  8. ^ Program adopted at the 46 th National Congress of The Singing Voice of Japan (2013). 第46回日本のうたごえ全国協議会総会 (2013年) で採択の方針文書
  9. ^ NDL Search. An amusing choir manual by Yoritoyo Inoue (Kyoto, 1956) 井上頼豊「新しい合唱読本」(京都、1956年)(Japanese: 歌 ご え の今日の問題について(まえがきにかえて)」「1. のびゆく日本の 歌 ご え」「2-5. 歌 声 と創造活動」「う た ご え は平和の力(1954年日本の う た ご え 祭典)」etc.).
  10. ^ Songs for Youth by Akiko Seki (Tokyo, 1951) 関鑑子編「青年歌集」第一篇(東京、1951年)(Japanese: 「再刊にあたって...まだまだ 歌 声 は小さいように思います。日本中から明るい健康な 歌 声 のきかれる平和な情景を考えると、そうなる為にはもっともっと努力しなくてはいけないと考えます」).
  11. ^ On the occasion of the Festival of The Singing Voice of Japan, article published in the journal Akahata, December 9, 1960. 日本共産党機関紙「アカハ タ」1960年12月9日号所載の論説"「日本のうたごえ祭典を迎えて"
  12. ^ a b First performance of the Choir of JCP-fans in a concert in Kyoto Kaikan Hall (February 11, 2011), sponsored by the committee of Kyoto of the JCP. 「いっぱい花咲かそうコンサート2011」日本共産党京都府委員会
  13. ^ Article on the weekly Kyoto-minpo, August 1, 2013[JA]. 「文化ライブで勝利に貢献 共産・文化後援会が革命酒場」- 京都民報 2013年8月5日付
  14. ^ Kyoto Committee of the JCP, September 9, 2014[JA]. 「2014 京都まつり」- 文化の森 ステージ「にぎわいの広場」日本共産党京都府委員会
  15. ^ Kyoto Committee of the JCP, January 29, 2015[JA]. 「いっぱい花咲かそうフェスタ2015」同上
  16. ^ Kyoto Committee of the JCP, April 2, 2016[JA]. 「2016 京都まつり」(宝が池公園)。制服向上委員会、小池晃(参議院議員・日本共産党書記局長)共演「2016京都まつり」同上
  17. ^ Seifuku Kojo Iinkai (SKI), April 23, 2016[JA]. 制服向上委員会公式ブログ「2016.04.23 イベント告知」
  18. ^ The Minister of Finance Kakuei Tanaka wanted to demonstrate his knowledge on the movement of The Singing Voice of Japan[JA]: original text of the proceedings (March 25, 1963), in the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors of Japan (Japanese: 参議院予算委員会), for public consultation on the Official Site of the Search for proceedings of the Diet of Japan (国会会議録検索システム)[JA]. 第43回国会 予算委員会第二分科会 第1号(1965年3月25日)議事録:須藤五郎(日本共産党)による質問
  19. ^ Original text of the proceedings in Japanese:
    須藤五郎: [...]最後にもうちょっと聞いておきますが、大蔵大臣は、勤労者音楽協議会という勤労者が会費を出し合っていい音楽を聞く組織のあることを御存じでしょうか。主税局長は知っているはずなんです。大臣は御存じないですか。
    田中角栄(大蔵大臣): よくわかりません。
    須藤五郎: それじゃ、私は大臣の参考までに、ちょっとその点くどいようですが申し上げておきます。戦後非常な荒廃した生活の中で、入場料が高くて聞けなかったわけなんですね[...]こういう営利を目的としない何もしない、むしろ自分たちの力によって日本の文化に貢献しようというこういう意図を持った団体から税金を取り立てるということは、私は不当だと思うので、むしろ政府はこれに対して補助金を出すのが当然じゃないか、こういうふうに私は考えておるわけなんですね。それで、この団体のためにできました...
    田中角栄(大蔵大臣): うたごえ...
    須藤五郎: うたごえ運動と違います。これは聞くほうです。うたごえは歌うほうです[...]

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Hypothesized impacts See also: Buddhism and Christianity and Comparison of Buddhism and Christianity This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Buddhist influences on Christianity – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this message) A Greco-Buddhist statue of Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) preaching...


American industrialist and merchant For other people named George Stearns, see George Stearns (disambiguation). George Luther StearnsBorn(1809-01-08)January 8, 1809Medford, MassachusettsDiedApril 9, 1867(1867-04-09) (aged 58)New York City, New YorkOccupationMerchantSignature George Luther Stearns (January 8, 1809 – April 9, 1867) was an American industrialist and merchant in Medford, Massachusetts, as well as an abolitionist and a noted recruiter of black soldiers for the Union Army du...


Ayam popSepotong ayam popTempat asalIndonesiaDaerahSumatera BaratBahan utamaDaging ayam, air kelapa, bawang putih, minyak kelapaSunting kotak info • L • BBantuan penggunaan templat ini Ayam pop dengan saus/sambal Ayam pop adalah salah satu masakan yang berbahan dasar daging ayam dari provinsi Sumatera Barat. Ayam pop termasuk salah satu bentuk hidangan ayam goreng, tetapi yang membedakan ayam pop dengan ayam goreng pada umumnya adalah ayam pop memiliki warna yang masih putih puc...

Tax reform commission This article is part of a series onTaxation in the United States Federal taxation Alternative minimum tax Capital gains tax Corporate tax Estate tax Excise tax Gift tax Generation-skipping transfer tax Income tax Payroll tax Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Internal Revenue Code (IRC) IRS tax forms Revenue by state History Constitutional authority Taxpayer standing Court Protest Evasion Resistance State and local taxation State income tax Property tax Sales tax State and l...


For the individual settlement, see Sunderland. Metropolitan borough with city status in EnglandCity of SunderlandMetropolitan borough with city statusSunderlandSunderland White Lighthouse Coat of armsSunderland shown within Tyne and WearCoordinates: 54°54′36″N 1°23′06″W / 54.910°N 1.385°W / 54.910; -1.385Sovereign stateUnited KingdomCountryEnglandRegionNorth EastCombined AuthorityNorth EastCeremonial countyTyne and WearHistoric countyDurhamEstablished ...