The School (also known as The Haunting) is an Australian horror and psychological thriller film, directed by Storm Ashwood[1] and released in 2018. The film stars Milly Alcock,[2][3] Will McDonald, Nicholas Hope, Megan Drury,[4] Texas Watterston, Jack Ruwald and Alexia Santosuosso and it screened at the Vision Splendid Film Festival.[5]
Ambitious surgeon, Dr. Amy Wintercraig (Megan Drury) has neglected her own family due to her career aspirations. Following an accident, her son slips into a coma, leading Amy to become consumed with grief and guilt. In an attempt to take her own life she awakens in an abandoned school underworld where she faces all manner of horrors in a quest to find her son and bring him back home.[6]
The film was produced by Jim Robison at Lunar Pictures and Blake Northfield at Bronte Pictures and was sold to North American distributor Vertical Entertainment[9] by film sales agent Cinema Management Group.[10]