The Real Housewives of Miami, abbreviated RHOM, is an American reality television series broadcast on Bravo with distribution rights to Peacock. The Miami series is the seventh installment of The Real Housewives franchise, and it follows the personal and professional lives of women who live in or near Miami, Florida. It has aired six seasons in total; with the first season having premiered on February 22, 2011, and the most recent season, sixth season, premiered on November 1, 2023.
The first season consisted of original cast members: Lea Black, Adriana de Moura, Alexia Nepola, Marysol Patton, Larsa Pippen and Cristy Rice, with no recurring cast members. The shows current cast includes Guerdy Abraira, Lisa Hochstein, Julia Lemigova, Nepola Pippen and Stephanie Shojaee. with Kiki Barth, de Moura and Patton appearing as friends of the housewives. Previous housewives who have left the show include Black, Joanna Krupa, Rice, Ana Quincoces Karent Sierra and Nicole Martin.
Bravo broadcast the first three seasons, after which the show was put on indefinite hiatus. In 2021, the show was revived, and Peacock aired seasons 4 and 5 before Bravo rebroadcast it for season six. Commercially, season one had the highest average viewership of 1.09 million, while season five had the lowest at 0.25 million, despite being aired several months prior on Peacock.
Seasons 1–3
On March 10, 2010, Bravo announced a new series called Miami Social Club, which was a restructure of the 2009 series Miami Social.[1] However, after filming, the network decided to turn it into an installment of the network's The Real Housewives franchise.[2] Lea Black, Adriana de Moura, Alexia Echevarria, Marysol Patton, Larsa Pippen, and Cristy Rice were announced as the show's main cast members, with no recurring characters. The first season premiered on February 22, 2011 and concluded on April 5, 2011. After the first season, both Pippen and Rice left the show for undisclosed reasons.[3]
Bravo renewed the show for a second season, which began on September 13, 2012 and concluded on January 8, 2013. Black, de Moura, and Patton returned as the series' main cast members, while four new housewives were added: Joanna Krupa, Lisa Hochstein, Ana Quincoces and Karent Sierra. Echevarria returned to the show as a recurring cast member to focus on her son Frankie, who had been injured in a car accident in 2011. [4][5][6][7][8]
The third season was renewed by Bravo and aired from August 12 to November 14, 2013. Black, de Moura, Hochstein, and Krupa returned as the show's main cast members. Echevarria was promoted back to a full-time cast member, Quincoces and Patton returned as recurring characters.[9][10][11] Additionally, Sierra appeared as a guest throughout the season.[12] After season three, Bravo confirmed the cancellation of the Miami series, making it the franchise's second cancellation after The Real Housewives of D.C..[13]
Seasons 4–6
Andy Cohen, the show's executive producer and reunion host, stated in November 2020 that talks were underway to return the show to Peacock.[14] The series' return date was confirmed in February 2021.[15][16]Season four premiered on December 16, 2021 and ended on March 10, 2022.[17] The entire cast was rebooted, including six housewives as main cast members: Lisa Hochstein, Alexia Nepola (formerly Echevarria), and Larsa Pippen from previous seasons, as well as Guerdy Abraira, Julia Lemigova and Nicole Martin as new cast members. Adriana de Moura and Marysol Patton, both from the original cast, appeared in recurring roles, as did Kiki Barth, who was added to the rebooted cast.[18] Previous cast members, Lea Black and Joanna Krupa, were asked but declined in returning to the show.[19]
Peacock renewed the show for a fifth season in October 2022, confirming its premiere date in December 2022. All of the main housewives returned for the fifth season, as did all of the recurring cast members. Black, who was a main cast member in the first three original seasons, appeared as a guest throughout the season.[20] The fifth season began on December 8, 2022 and ended on March 23, 2023; the first four episodes aired on Thursday, December 8, with new episodes released weekly thereafter.[21]
Bravo announced in May 2023 that the sixth season would premiere on their network, and also distributed through Peacock.[22] All of the main housewives returned for the sixth season, as did all of the recurring cast members. Ana Quincoces, who was a main cast member in season two, appeared as a guest.[23] The sixth season premiered on November 1, 2023.
Season 7–present
Bravo renewed the show for a seventh season in May 2024.[24] In July 2024, Larsa Pippen confirmed that she would be returning for the upcoming seventh season.[25] In August 2024, Lisa Hochstein confirmed her return for the upcoming seventh season.[26] In September 2024, Nicole Martin announced her decision to depart the show as a full-time cast member, to focus on her family.[27] In November 2024, it was announced that new housewife Stephanie Shojaee would be joining the cast as a full-time cast member.[28]
While season two of The Real Housewives of Miami was airing, Bravo released a web series titled Havana Elsa.[29] The series featured Elsa Patton, the mother of full-time cast member, Marysol Patton, embarking on launching her own coffee line, also titled Havana Elsa.[30][31] The web series aired a total of 9 episodes.[32]
The Real Housewives of Miami : U.S. viewers per episode (millions)