The Quiet Maid (Spanish: Calladita) is a 2023 satirical drama film written and directed by Miguel Faus [es] which stars Paula Grimaldo alongside Ariadna Gil, Pol Hermoso, and Luis Bermejo.
Working for an upper-class family in the Costa Brava, quiet Colombian domestic maid Ana unlocks new ways to enjoy the Summer after coming across fellow maid Gisela.[1]
A Calladita Films, Potenza Producciones, and Decentralized Pictures production,[2] the film was partially financed through the Andrews/Bernard Award (a Steven Soderbergh-backed post-production fund granted at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival) and by a crowdfunding campaign through non-fungible tokens (NFC).[4]Jim Cummings served as executive producer.[1] The film was shot in September 2022 in the Costa Brava.[5] Faus explained his film as tackling "issues related to class differences and injustices from a satirical portrait of the Catalan upper middle class".[6]
Wendy Ide of ScreenDaily wrote that the film "combines a distinctive tone and striking visual sense with a knock-out performance from Paula Grimaldo".[2]
Davide Abbatescianni of Cineuropa assessed that the film "would have benefited from sharper, more sardonic writing".[3]
Laura Pérez of Fotogramas rated the film 3 out of 5 stars, highlighting the discovery of Paula Grimaldo as the best thing about the film.[9]