The Psychopath, also known as An Eye for an Eye, is a 1973 horror film written by Walter Dallenbach, produced and directed by Larry G. Brown[1] and John Ashton as one of its co-stars.
Mr. Rabbey, the host of a children's television show, is every boys' and girls' favorite. But unknown to everyone, when he hears stories from the kids who watch his show about the abuse they suffer at the hands of their parents, he starts visiting the parents and murdering them. Eventually, the police begin to suspect him of the murders.
In 1980, an edited version of the film was released. In this version, all of the murders were removed.[2]
A remake, Maniac 2: Mr. Robbie, was shot in 1986 by Joe Spinell and director Buddy Giovinazzo as a sequel to the former's 1980 slasher filmManiac, following a psychopathic children's television show host who murders abusive parents.[3] The short was done to raise financing for a sequel to Maniac (ultimately unmade due to Spinell's death in 1989),[3][4] and was included with the 30th anniversary edition release of Maniac.[5]