The protagonist, Suresh, springs a surprise on his friends by announcing that he is to be wedded, where in fact it is Suresh himself who is in for a surprise.
The plot for The Mosquito Philosophy was born over drinks with Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan's friend Suresh, who eventually played the protagonist. With just a plot in hand, the shoot was planned for next evening. Director's friends and family agreed to participate. The scenes were shot sequentially, beginning with the drive to the nearest liquor store. There were no retakes or rehearsals. With no script in hand, everyone responded spontaneously to the developing plot from the depth of their own experiences.[5] Originally, actress Shruti Haasan was to produce and present the film under her banner Isidro Media.[6][7]
"In the film a character talks about Mosquito Philosophy, so I decided to name it that way. This film is a minimalistic one, done with an idea of doing a film with bare necessities" - Jayaprakash Radhakrishnan.[8]