The Legend of the Vagabond Queen of Lagos is a 2024 social thriller film directed by The Agbajowo Collective, which consists of Samuel Okechukwu, Temitope Ogungbamila, Bisola Akinmuyiwa, Elijah Atinkpo, Tina Edukpo, James Tayler, and Mathew Cerf. It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 7 September 2024.
The film is based on the 2017 destruction of Otodo-Gbame, a waterfront settlement in Lagos.[1] To create a realistic sense of community onscreen, The Agbajowo Collective sought out existing Nigerian communities to appear in the film.[2]
Rushlake Media acquired the international sales rights to the film on 6 August 2024.[3] The trailer was released on 4 September 2024.[2] A promotional clip was released on 7 September 2024, the same day as the film's premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.[4] The film will be screened as part of the festival's Centrepiece program.[5][6]
Jared Mobarak of The Film Stage gave the film a grade of B, calling it "an effective intersection of political drama and public-service announcement".[7] Olivia Popp of Cineuropa called the film "a meaningful, grassroots-orientated debut film informed by the ongoing evictions of informal settlements in Africa’s largest city".[8]