Takumi Sumino lives an ordinary life in the Tokyo Residential Complex, but this peace is disrupted when mysterious creatures attack him and his friend. He is able to fight back against these creatures after an entity called Sirei, who is described as a "mysterious school mascot",[1] appears and gives him the ability "Hemoanima". Afterwards, Sirei forces Takumi and fourteen other students to enroll in Last Defense Academy and they join the Special Defense Unit to defend the school against the creatures, which are known as "School Invaders", for one hundred days.[2][3]
Too Kyo Games went into debt while developing the game. After a publishing deal fell through, the studio took out a loan to fund development. Aniplex later came on as publisher.[5] The game's Japanese and English releases are scheduled for a simultaneous same day release.[4] The game was announced during a Nintendo Direct livestream on June 18, 2024, and is scheduled to be released for the Nintendo Switch and Windows on April 24, 2025.[6] The game will have its physical edition to be distributed in the west by Xseed Games.[7]
^Japanese: HUNDRED LINE -最終防衛学園-, Hepburn: HUNDRED LINE - Saishū Bōei Gakuen