The Hostel is a Ugandan drama series created by Sabiiti "MMC" Moses and Emanuel "BUUBA" Egwel about the lives of university students in their hostels. The show premiered on NTV Uganda in 2011 and ran for four seasons. The fourth season, which was titled Serenity, saw a fresh new cast in a new hostel. The season premiered on 23 February 2015.[1]
The series aired on NTV Uganda, DSTV - Africa Magic Entertainment, ZUKU TV and NTV KENYA, Canal France International and their African Partners, eTV, Star Times and Rwanda TV.[2]
The series started airing in the UK on 4 February 2013 on Channel 182 Ben TV for the European continent audience.[3]
The Hostel is a comedy-drama about the endless hopes & fears, struggle, frustrations, pressures and challenges that affect students at higher institutions of learning especially those who reside in hostels.[4] It features the adaptation to city life, roommates, friendships & hassles, prostitution, romantic liaisons, jealousy, sexual pursuits, hatred, broken hearts, lovers’ joys, academic pressures, college & hostel fee challenges, part-time jobs, independence, ethnic & religious diversity, parental control, career, cross-generational sex, hopes & nightmares, AIDS, condoms, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, parties, loneliness, etc.
The show generally received positive reviews and garnered a following in Uganda and beyond.[citation needed]
The Hostel was a collaboration between Sabiiti "MMC" Moses, Emanuel "BUUBA" Egwel and Fast Track Productions in Luzira, Kampala. At the end of season three, the revenue strategy changed as NTV Uganda finally commissioned the production of season 4 on wards.[5] NTV Uganda.
A revamped Hostel Serenity returned to little expectations as much of its loyal audiences had moved on to shows that had replaced them earlier like Deceptions.
The series cast mostly young celebrity actors plus a few university students. The major cast includes