Laura, a lawyer who comes from an upper-class Milanese family, leads an altogether placid life. After witnessing an almost-fatal motorcycle accident near her family's country home, she becomes obsessed with the young victim, leading to a series of flashbacks and introspective instants that probe the bourgeois life she leads.
Ada Savelli as Laura
Raffaella Bianichi as Silvia, Laura's daughter
Gaetano Porro as Laura's husband
Massimo Tabak as Tommaso, Laura's second son
Mario Sireci as Beppe, Laura's eldest son
Barbara Pezzuto as Anna, Beppe's wife
Critic Derek Elley titled The Circumstance a "romantic highpoint in Olmi's oeuvre" and "his most accomplished piece of work."[3]
The Circumstance was screened at Film at Lincoln Center in 2019 as part of a retrospective on Olmi's work.[4]