The miniseries was directed by Mike Robe, adapted by John Gay, and premiered on February 9, 1992. It was an original production filmed and aired by the ABC Video Enterprises, and was also released theatrically outside the US. by Warner Bros. Pictures.
A lawyer who's still recuperating after the untimely death of his wife, must defend his probably dirty brother-in-law, a stockbroker under investigation. He discovers that everyone has dark secrets, including himself.
The miniseries was a production by Mike Robe Productions, Capital Cities and ABC Video Enterprises, it's aired in the ABC on February 9, 1992. ABC handled U.S. distribution, while Warner Bros. handled International distribution. Warner Bros. handles the rights of the miniseries to be released on theatrical versions and on home video (including Warner Home Video). As of 1996, The Walt Disney Company now owns domestic rights to The Burden of Proof through ABC, which had obtained the miniseries rights domestically.