The Bachelor is a British reality television show that began airing on BBC Three from 30 March 2003 to 13 February 2005, before moving to Channel 5 from 19 August 2011 to 31 August 2012. The show is based on the American reality series of the same name. On 31 August 2018, it was announced that the show would return for a new ten-part series in 2019 on Channel 5. The short-lived 'revival' ran from 4 March 2019 to 14 March 2019.[1]
The series revolves around a single bachelor (deemed eligible) and a pool of romantic interests (typically 25), which could include a potential wife for the bachelor. The conflicts in the series, both internal and external, stem from the elimination-style format of the show. Early in the season, the bachelor goes on large group dates with the women, with the majority of women eliminated during rose ceremonies. As the series progresses, women are also eliminated on one-on-one dates and on elimination two-on-one dates. The process culminates with home-town visits to the families of the final four women, overnight dates at exotic locations with the final three women, and interaction with the bachelor's family and the final two women.
On 31 August 2018, it was announced that a new series would be filmed this autumn in South Africa for Channel 5.[2] The new series was hosted by Mark Wright.