The novel is set in United Kingdom 1792 to 1824, beginning in the village of Badford near the fictional city of Kingsbridge that is at the centre of Follett's Kingsbridge Series. Ruled by squire Riddick and his two eldest sons, Badford is a rural society where the lead protagonist, Sal Clitheroe, is a housewife and a spinner for the second lead part, out-putter Amos Barrowfield. Having suffered several difficult situations, Sal and her son Christopher (Kit), are forced to leave the village and set off for Kingsbridge, where she ends up working a Spinning jenny for Amos Barrowfield.
The novel then follows Clitheroe and Barrowfield through their professional career, love and family life, their involvement in and with civic organisations and government, with a backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars in continental Europe; the modernisation of Industry, Church and Labour market; climaxing around the Battle of Waterloo, ending in the 10 year period following Napoleon's defeat.
Village of Badford
The Clitheroes
Sal Clitheroe: a housewife and domestic spinner for the Barrowfields, and a Methodist. Lead protagonist.
Harry Clitheroe: her husband, a farmhand at Badford Manor.
Christopher "Kit" Clitheroe: their only son, born 1786.
Ike Clitheroe: Harry's uncle, also a farmhand at Badford Manor.
William Paley: Anglican Archdeacon, Scholar, and author of the pamphlet Reasons for contentment: addressed to the labouring part of the British public.