The plot follows Varghese, a Kalaripayattu expert who is persuaded by his favourite disciple Shyam to rescue his lover Maya from house arrest. Varghese kidnaps her but soon realises that Shyam lied and Maya is the only witness of a homicide.
Varghese is a Kalari master, and Shyam, his favourite disciple. One day, he comes to his master, declaring his love for Maya. He says that her parents have kept her under house arrest, and he needs his help to rescue her.
Varghese kidnaps Maya and brings her to Shyam, but Shyam tries to kill her. Varghese understands that Shyam is not her lover, and she is the only witness in another homicide which involves Shyam. But Maya tells Varghese that Shyam is innocent. Shyam, who still does not know this, pursues her. Varghese conceals her and brings the real culprit out by means of a rare locket that Maya remembers the killer wearing.
Mohanlal as Aanamadayil Vargheachan Chekavar aka Varghese
The film features original songs and score composed by Sharreth. The soundtrack album was released by Millennium Audios and Sony Music Entertainment.[2]