Tetiana Cherep-Perohanych
Ukrainian poet
Tetiana Pavlivna Cherep-Perohanych (18 November 1974, Stara Basan, Bobrovytsia Raion , Chernihiv Oblast , Ukraine ) is a Ukrainian poet, novelist and playwright, journalist, translator, public figure, author of 14 books, member of the National Writers' Union of Ukraine ,[ 1] the National Union of Local Historians[ 2] of Ukraine and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine ,[ 3] winner of national and international awards.
She attended secondary school in Stara Basan.[ 4] She graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 1999,[ 4] specialising in journalism.[ 4]
She is a communications expert for the World Bank project,[ 5] editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian Culture magazine (2021-2022).[ 6]
Literary work
It's raining (Ідуть дощі, 1996), a book of poems
The Shore of Love (Берег любові, 2012), a book of poems
Two paths from the garden (Із саду — дві стежини, 2012), a fiction-documentary novel, sketches
Medicines for the Soul (Ліки для душі, 2013), a book of poems
Irises for the Beloved (Іриси для коханого, 2014), etudes
Mum's Warm Fairy Tales (Теплі мамині казки, 2014), poems for preschoolers
Autumn of an Adult Woman (Осінь дорослої жінки, 2016), poetry, plays, works translated into other languages
Towards the sun (Назустріч сонечку, 2017), stories for preschool and primary school age
Boomerang (Бумеранг, 2018), Stories
When Love Comes, or Happiness After Unhappiness (Коли приходить любов, або щастя після нещастя, 2018), a novel for middle and high school children
Tango is not for us (Танго не для нас, 2020), a book of poems
20 Poems about Mum (20 віршів про маму, 2022), a book of poems
My Angel — Kateryna Bilokur (Мій янгол — Катерина Білокур, 2023), a novel for high school children
Happy rhymes (Щасливі віршенята, 2024), poems, lullabies for preschool and elementary school age
See also
External links