George William Wilson II (August 8, 1943 – October 18, 2013), known as Ted Wilson, was an Ice Capades performer and ice rink manager in the U.S., UAE, Hong Kong and China. In his later life, Wilson became an advocate of the sport of ice skating in parts of the world where skating was uncommon prior to his arrival.[1]
Ted's brought the USA recreational ice skating program - Ice Skating Institute of America (ISIA) abroad in 1980, first to Dubai and then to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
He initiated the formation of District 17 - International District in ISIA which later transformed to Ice Skating Institute of Asia (ISIAsia) in 2000.
Ted brought a lot of famous skaters to Dubai, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, including:
Besides skating in ice show, some of these skaters would also conduct skating classes and/or seminars to promote the skating level of local skaters and coaches.
Note: Ice Skating Institute of America (ISIA) changed name to Ice Skating Institute (ISI) and then to Ice Sport Industry (ISI).
Early life
Ted was born on 8 August 1943 and grew up in Greenville, South Carolina.
1987 April – 2002 May – Manager of Cityplaza Ice Palace, Hong Kong
brought Tiffany Chin[5] to skate in an exhibition in Cityplaza in 1988
1989 – Created the 1st International Skating Institute competition – ISI Skate Asia 1989[6]
1989 – Trained the first Hong Kong's skater, first Asian skater and seventh skater in ISI, Sunny Man, passing ISI Freestyle 10[7] Hereafter, 4 more skaters from Hong Kong passed Freestyle 10 under Ted's umbrella: