Tech Field Day is an independently organized conference series centered on enterprise IT infrastructure.[1] Organized by Gestalt IT Media LLC, the Field Day series is intended to bring together product vendors and independent bloggers,[2]freelance writers, speakers, and leaders of online communities.[3] The Field Day event series began in 2009 with a general datacenter event and expanded in 2010 to include an event focused on enterprise networking.[4]
Notable Introductions
Every Field Day event includes presentations by hardware and software vendors, but some notable introductions have also occurred at these events:
Nimble Storage used the 2010 Seattle Field Day as their corporate launch event.[7]
Actifio used Tech Field Day 4 as their corporate launch event.[8]
Druva Software used Tech Field Day 5 as their American corporate launch event.[9]
Zerto and Embrane gave advance previews before their launches at Tech Field Day 6[10] and Networking Field Day 2,[11] respectively.
Exablox used Storage Field Day 3 as their launch event.[12] Also at that event, Fusion-io announced their acquisition of NexGen Storage[13] and Cisco Systems first showed the next-generation MDS Fibre Channel platform.[14]