Chandrasekhar won the 2024 Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly election despite a wave against the YSR Congress Party. He was nominated in place of sitting MLA Adimulapu Suresh by YSR Congress Party. As early as January 2024, he was nominated as the coordinator of Yerragondapalem Assembly constituency, considered a stronghold of the YSR Congress Party.[5] He polled 91,741 votes and defeated Guduri Erixion Babu of Telugu Desam Party by a margin of 5,200 votes.[6][7] He is one among the 11 YSRCP MLAs who won the 2024 election. Chandrasekhar's brother Sudhakar and his wife and Singarayakonda sarpanch, Vanaja, campaigned for YSR Congress Party candidate Chandrasekhar.[8] His wife, Bhagya, also campaigned for him in many villages.[9] He urged people to vote for Jagan Mohan Reddy, who implemented 99 per cent of the promises, and to the YSRCP MP candidate, Chevireddy Bhaskar Reddy.[10]