Tantara Records is a recording label owned by Brigham Young University (BYU) and operated by the BYU School of Music. The mission of Tantara is to promote the musical works of BYU, both by its various vocal and instrumental ensembles and also the works of its faculty who are musical composers, artists or directors.
The main producer for Tantara Records is Benjamin R. Fales, a 2002 BYU graduate who serves as General Manager of BYU Music Group.
The idea for Tantara Records was developed by K. Newell Dayley, who was then the chair of BYU's School of Music, along the model of the university press. The decision to go through with it was brought about in large part because of the non-standard rates music publishers threatened to charge BYU in the matter of its publication of the album An American Tradition of Folk Hymns.