The mandal of Talupula has a surface area of 280.3 km2 (69,234 acres) and a population of 42,019 (2001 census). Dalits constitute 10% of the population, and tribes 6%. The gender ratio is 959. The literacy rate of the mandal is 51%. Among them, males make up 67%, while females make up 35%. The working class consists of 45% agricultural labour, 1% industrial workers, and unorganised workers at 16%. School children are 6159 (661 for every 1 lakh of population), and the teacher-student ratio is 1:23. Junior college students number at 278. For every 1 lakh of population, there only 4 doctors to look after the health of the people. There are 10 beds for every 10,000 people in the government general dispensary.